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 twBox( wT, wL, wB, wR, wFType, wColor, wFill )
     Draw a box of selected type in the active window.


     wB,wR   - 'N' Relative Window Coordinates. This defaults to
                   display area for the current window if not passed.

     wFType  - 'N' Box Type based on Clipper Box Strings.  The function
                   returns with no action if wFType is not passed.

     "+-+|+-+|"      1 - single line box
     "+-+|+-+|"      2 - double line box
     "+-+|+-+|"      3 - t-single double
     "+-+|+-+|"      4 - t-double single
     "+-+|+-+|"      5 - 1-double single
     "+-+|+-+|"      6 - 3-double single
     "+-+|+-+|"      7 - 7-double single
     "+-+|+-+|"      8 - 9-double single
     "########"      9 - thick solid
     "########"     10 - thin solid
     "########"     11 - shaded light
     "########"     12 - shaded medium
     "########"     13 - shaded heavy
     "        "     14 - spaces

     Where a number appears in the type description it refers to the
     corner of the box on which the attribute is bases as seen on the
     numeric keypad on an enhanced keyboard, eg., 3-double single has
     double lines for the box sides starting at the bottom right

             |                            |

     wColor - 'C' Color of the box and its internal area, passed as a
                  Clipper colour attribute.

     wFill  - 'C' Fill Character. Defaults to no fill.  This may be
                  used to clear an area of a window. Defaults to "".


     Current window handle


     twBox( 3, 7, 9, 27, 1, "N/BG", "#" )

     Draws a single line box at relative window coordinates 3,7,9,27 in
     black on cyan and fills the interior with the CHR( 177 ) character.

See Also: twFrame() twOpen()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson